IDReC Springer Browne saving animals in Nepal .

by Simon Verschaffelt

World Vets Disaster Response Team is extremely busy in Nepal, racing to save animals caught in the wake of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has killed more than 6100 people and countless animals. While the response to human casualties is justifiably prioritized, there are many animals that are in a desperate situation and World Vets is on the ground in the strike zone to help them. Already there has been a huge demand for life-saving veterinary work not only for companion animals but also for street dogs, livestock, horses and donkeys. The livelihood of many people in Nepal is dependent on livestock and working animals, and our work is not only helping the animals but also the families of Nepal who depend on them for their own survival.

Dr. Springer Browne of World Vets and Dr. Suman Khadka from Animal Nepal assess a cow that had been trapped between collapsed buildings for three days. The cow had recently been rescued in Baneswor area of Kathmadu and was suffering from a severe metabolic disease from the ordeal. She was in very bad shaped and would have died without treatment. They got to work right away administering intravenous treatments to which she showed rapid signs of improvement. They will go back and check on her tomorrow but thankfully she is expected to make a full recovery. Tragically, another cow died before we knew about the situation and our vets were able to get there.


Read more ;  World Vets website 


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